A recipe for macarons that are in high demand for projects, with an explanation, selling price, and marketing method.... Ingredients.... A cup of roasted and ground cocoa with its peels A quarter cup of sugar A teaspoon of vanilla flavor Half a teaspoon of sweet yeast A pinch of salt Egg whites according to the amount of dough.... Honey... #Asmar_Algerian_Macro_Moaslin #Asmar_Algerian_Macro_Moaslin #Macro_Moaslin #Macaron_Moaslin #Instagram / asmar_best #TikTok tiktok.com/@wasafatasmar #My_Facebook_page / Q3dat-Zaman-139138244977734 #Asmar_Kitchen #Asmar_Algerian #Algerian_dishes #Asmr_kitchen #Asmr_bz #Umm Walid