RESPONSE TO CANE CLUB KENNEL AND MANUEL CURTÓ Hello, welcome to another video from Santa Morte Presa Canário. Today's video is somewhat controversial and one I wouldn't want to be doing. Irema Curto made a video criticizing several breeders such as Linea M, De la Arena, Spartawildboyz, among others, and also mentioned Curtó as if we had other dogs and not the Presa Canário. Which would be absurd in itself. I honestly left this video alone and decided not to respond. When Eduardo from Cane Club decided to revive this video by making a reaction, which he clearly has every right to do, I decided to respond to the various unfounded words about my dogs. I am even more surprised that Eduardo made this reaction knowing that it would directly affect only me. But no problem, here we are fully aware of what we have created, where we will get to in the future, and our search for a Presa that is UP TO THE STANDARD and functional, with no trace of show dogs, no trace of anything other than function and the old Presa. We also talk about the RED NOSE generated by Irema Curtó dogs. COMMENT, COMMENT!!! Don't forget to leave your like, okay? Do you want shirts and caps? 83 8783-4790 I IMPORTED A GIANT PREGNANT FEMALE • I IMPORTED A GIANT PREGNANT FEMALE IS THE DOGO ARGENTINO GOOD AT GUARDING? PODCAST • IS THE DOGO ARGENTINO GOOD AT GUARDING? PODCAST TELEGRAM Channel https://t.me/santapresa Offered by IBC & Natural Formula Subscribe and leave your like ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ our Instagram @presa.santamorte www.bandog.com.br Our partner in collars and accessories ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ For more information, contact us #presacanario #dogoargentino #canilsantamorte