We have compiled a list video of the situations that are well-known to those with a weak memory. Opening the fridge and forgetting what to get, not remembering the plot of the movies / novels you watched, not being able to remember things that come to the tip of your tongue, constantly forgetting and losing things somewhere... Forgetful people experience these all the time! ► Watch this too: 10 Things You Can Do When You're Absent-Minded • 10 Things You Can Do When You're Absent-Minded You can download YAPYAP's mobile app now: ► Android devices: https://goo.gl/F1WvEe ► iPhone and iPad: https://goo.gl/LjfECj Click to watch the fun videos on Mediakraft's other channels: ► Oha Diyorum: / ohaadiyorum ► Oyun Delisi: / oyundelisi ► BonbonTV / bonbontv Follow us on Facebook: ► / mediakraftturk