Walk along the palace fence and listen to history through the homes of kings and royal families from the past to the present. There are many places all over Thailand and they are full of beautiful and unique architecture. In addition, it is the place where important events of the country in different eras were recorded. Therefore, the palace is more than just an ordinary building. It is an important piece of the puzzle that will help us see the past more clearly! #GrandPalace #RoyalPalace #WorldEvolution #ForeignerWearingCrowns #Palace #DusitPalace #SanamChandRajaPalace #King #RoyalFamily #History #StoriesInThePalace #ThaiArt #ThaiRathStudio #thairathstudio Contact for work LINE: @ThairathStudio (with @ in front) or https://lin.ee/VgGroFt Follow good content, press subscribe at / @thairathstudio