Eduardo Feldberg, also known as “PRIMO POBRE” is the administrator and runs the Primo Pobre channel, with content focused on financial tips. Without beating around the bush and with a lot of good humor, he transforms complicated subjects into very easy-to-understand explanations. *Get your Floravita kit now by clicking on the link in the description. https://floravita.com.br/ Follow Father Reginaldo on social media: ➡️ / padremanzotti ➡️ / padremanzotti ➡️ / padremanzotti ➡️ http://bit.ly/pemanzotti_TikTok Learn more about our guest below: ➡️ / @primopobre ➡️ / eduardofeldberg ➡️ / eduardofeldberg ➡️ / eduardofeldberg #finance #primopobre #tips #economy #financialfreedom