Yugoslavia in the war 1941-1945. The documentary series about war and political events in Yugoslavia during World War II is one of the most comprehensive and detailed documentary series about this period of history in Yugoslavia. A large number of historians from the country and abroad participated in it, as well as direct participants of the event, both from the winning and losing sides. The series was filmed in Great Britain, Germany and Yugoslavia. Editor: Božidar Nikolić Screenplay: Božidar Nikolić, Božidar Zečević, Milan Kundaković Director: Milan Kundaković 3/23 10 April On April 10, 1941 (April in Croatian) in Zagreb, Eugen Kvaternik, the right-hand man of Ustasha leader Ante Pavelić, proclaimed the independent state of Croatia . The show raises the following questions: Was there a plan in Germany or Italy to create the NDH or was this creation an improvisation of the Axis powers? To whom did Hitler offer a protectorate over that country?* Why did Vlatko Maček (then vice-president of the Yugoslav putsch government of General Simović) before the German attack on Yugoslavia reject their proposal to declare the NDH and ten days later still give his blessing to the Ustasha government? How did the military representative of the Reich, General Glaze von Horstenau, see the key figures of the Ustasha regime (Pavelić, Slavko and Eugen Kvaternik) and what were his first impressions of Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac? What are the basic German-Italian contradictions according to the NDH? Is Gleiz von Horsetan's report accurate, in which he recorded Hitler's words that he was sorry for breaking up Yugoslavia, but that he had made a concession to Mussolini, who was the main inspirer of the destruction of the Yugoslav state? The world's greatest connoisseur of the Ustasha movement and NDH speaks about these and other issues - prof. Dr. Bogdan Krizman from Zagreb, witnesses from Zagreb (Darko Škrinjar, Home Guard lieutenant and squire Vera Sarić). Texts from the reports and diaries of the German military plenipotentiary in Zagreb, Glez von Horstenau, were also used. Archival film materials (both German and Ustasha, Italian and Hungarian) about the first days of the NDH, which until now have not or rarely been shown publicly, were also used. Label and copyright: Radio-television of Serbia Any copying of video and/or audio recordings and uploading to other channels is prohibited!