WHAT THE HISTORY BOOKS DON'T TELL US, WITH DAN FARCAŞ BOOKMEDIA – NATAțA A. CULEA Prof. Dr. Dan Farcaș tells us about the genesis of the Romanians in the BookMedia show. Why are certain historical periods and certain information not mentioned in history books? Watch the Bookmedia show every Sunday from 17:00, with Natașa Alina Culea! #bookmedia #a7tv #carti #lectura #danfarcas #literatura #genezapoporuluiroman #istorie #carte #cultura #natasaalinaculea #emisiunedecultura #istoriaromanilor #existenta #istoriaromaniei #informatie #educatie #genius 🔹 Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https:// bit.ly/2HMI0oz 🔹 Follow us on Instagram: / a7tv.ro 🔹 Find out the latest news on our website: https://www.a7tv.ro A7TV is a generalist television, which aims to bring common sense, education, authentic spirituality, culture and values that define humanity to the audio-visual landscape.