The pandemic is over - or is it? That was how it was understood in many countries when the WHO declared the global health emergency over in May 2023. For most people, normality returned, lockdowns and mask requirements were quickly forgotten. For others, the corona nightmare is still a bitter reality today. Those affected by long Covid and ME/CFS are fighting for recognition and support. Are politicians doing enough? How is the processing of the decisions and measures going? And what has the pandemic done to our society? Louis Klamroth discusses this with SPD Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, doctor and science journalist Eckart von Hirschhausen, medical ethicist Alena Buyx, psychologist Melanie Eckert, Elena Lierck, mother of a long Covid patient, SZ author Heribert Prantl and epidemiologist and virologist Klaus Stöhr on Hart aber Fair. Watch the whole episode: https://www.ardmediathek.de/sendung/h... All current information and tagesschau24 in the live stream: https://www.tagesschau.de/ All programs, live streams, documentaries and reports also in the ARD media library: https://www.ardmediathek.de/tagesschau