Still have doubts about which specialty to pursue? This and many other topics will be covered in another episode of ResidenteCast!! Our guest today is Gabriel Melo, a graduate of UPE and a pediatric resident at Hospital Oswaldo Cruz. We talked a little about the challenges of residency, how he chose the field of pediatrics and when he decided to do his residency. To learn a little more about Gabriel's journey and achievements, watch the full video!! To continue receiving the best review content, subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications. Want to win a guided tour of our platform? Get in touch and schedule yours: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=5... Be sure to follow us on our other social networks: INSTAGRAM: /eumedicoresidente WEBSITE: https://www.eumedicoresidente.com.br SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/7bQXSlQ...