I often try to call the property manager before I buy a property. What am I asking? Subscribe to the ASUNTOASIA newsletter so you don't miss free webinars and videos: https://asuntoasiaa.fi/newsletter/ ASUNTOASIA-Instagram: / *** Have you already familiarized yourself with the ASUNTOASIA webinars? The webinars are 1.5-3 hour long deep dives into a specific topic of housing investment. ASUNTOSIAA webinars are structured in such a way that each webinar contains everything you need to know about that aspect of housing investment - whether the topic is buying your first investment home, establishing a limited company or, for example, evaluating a housing association. ASUNTOASIA webinars have already trained more than 2,000 housing investors or those who want to become one, join us at https://asuntoasiaa.fi/asuntosijoitta... #isännöitsijä #sijoitusasunto #asunnonosto #taloyhtiö #hallitus #hallitusenpuheeenjoittä