Click here to register as a friend on GPU's official LINE↓ https://lin.ee/kCFZ0Gz ⚫️Profile⭐︎Regular appearance on Job Hunting Survival NEO⭐︎A man who supports young people and ventures who take on challenges. He has built a sales force of over 10,000 people and achieved cumulative sales of 1 trillion yen. He has been involved in the IPO of over 100 companies and has produced over 700 CEOs. -President of the online university "GPU" -CEO of Global Partners Co., Ltd. (formerly Alibaba Marketing) -Former Managing Director and General Manager of the Corporate Business Division of Hikari Tsushin https://lit.link/kojiyamamoto ⚫️SNS TikTok / densetsu_yamamoto X https://x.com/koji_gp Facebook / kojiyamamoto1022 Instagram / koji_1022