The quality of drinking water in Germany is among the best in the world. Nevertheless, many people buy bottled mineral water. Is it really healthier? More information, films and hands-on activities on the topic of #OurWater can be found here: https://www.daserste.de/unterhaltung/... ----------- This video is an excerpt from the broadcast on March 15, 2022, see: • Video ----------- WHERE DOES TAP WATER COME FROM? In Germany, groundwater is largely used to produce drinking water. If that is not enough, the water can also come from flowing waters, dams, rivers, lakes or springs. Groundwater consists of rain that seeps into the ground. On its way through the earth and rock layers, it is naturally filtered and protected from most contaminants. The groundwater is then collected in deep wells 10 to 40 meters deep. The groundwater is treated for drinking water in the waterworks. Depending on the region, it can be too acidic. Then the pH value must be changed. The drinking water regulations stipulate a pH value of 6.5 to 9.5 for water from pipes. DOES TAP WATER NEED TO BE TREATMENT? Tap water also contains minerals, for example in the form of lime, i.e. calcium. Household water filters that descale tap water are therefore counterproductive - also because they trap germs if the filter is not replaced monthly. Water from water filters should only be used for tea, coffee or cleaning. Tap water can be a problem for allergy sufferers if it remains in the water pipes and nickel dissolves from the fittings. Expert Sabine Schütze's tip: If you let water run from the tap to drain the stagnant water first, this stale water will be gone as soon as the water comes out of the tap cold again and you can drink it without hesitation. Another good idea would be to shower in the morning before using the coffee water - even then a lot of water has already passed through. IS MINERAL WATER HEALTHIER THAN TAP WATER? Mineral water can be a good supplement if you do not absorb all the important substances through food. The focus is usually on magnesium and calcium. Both minerals are particularly relevant for metabolic processes. However, many mineral waters contain fewer minerals than are necessary for medical effectiveness, and often also less than normal tap water. There is no prescribed minimum amount of minerals. Therefore, when buying, you should pay close attention to the mineral information on the label. Author: Janika Müller Image source: Unsplash / Jana Sabeth ----------- ► How contaminated is our drinking water? The tricks... SWR: • How contaminated is our drinking water? ... ► Better, healthier, more sustainable - water from the bottle or from the tap? I Ökochecker SWR: • Better, healthier, more sustainable – water... ► Glass vs. plastic bottles. This is how much reusable bottles really do for the environment I Ökochecker SWR: • Glass vs. plastic bottles. This is how much... ► Organic label on mineral water: Better quality or successful marketing? Marktcheck SWR: • Video ► Kettles tested Marktcheck SWR: • Kettles tested Marktcheck SWR ----------- ► More information about the show on our homepage: https://www.swrfernsehen.de/marktcheck/ ► More about Marktcheck on our Facebook page: / marktcheck ► You can subscribe to our channel here: http://x.swr.de/s/13x1 ► You can find more about our Ökocheckers on Instagram: / oekochecker ► Comments are welcome - but please observe the netiquette: https://www.swr.de/home/netiquette-10... ► Legal notice: https://www.swr.de/impressum/ #Mineralwasser #Tapwasser #Trinkwasser