Will Cracovia change owners? How did Pasy start off so well this season? Have they managed to clean up the mess in the club yet? How on earth did the fans run on the roof of the stadium? We'll talk about this with Mateusz Dróżdż, president of Cracovia. #football #ekstraklasa #uniwersumpolskiejpiłki Tętno Piłki, Thursday, 8:30. THE CHANNEL IS SPONSORED BY THE LEGAL BOOKMAKER BETCLIC. GAMBLING INVOLVES RISK. PROMOTIONS ONLY FOR ADULTS. Register an account at Betclic with the promotional code GOALYT (link: https://partner.betclic.pl/goalyt/) and play tax-free. What does this mean? Betclic will pay tax for all coupons - both single and multiple. Your potential winnings will increase by 13.6%. Also check out: @BetclicPolska Donations are transferred to: https://zrzutka.pl/anielskie-wsparcie Photo. PressFocus