The law that requires the teaching of Afro-Brazilian history is twenty years old. The discussion is essential to combat racism and truly recognize the contribution of the black population in the construction of the country. But the law is not enough... how has the topic been brought to the classrooms? #OpiniãoMinas #RedeMinas #CulturaAfro ------------------------------------------ See more from Opinião Minas Website - http://redeminas.tv/opiniaominas Facebook - / opiniaominas YouTube - / opiniaominastv Instagram - / opiniaominas See more from Rede Minas Website - http://redeminas.tv Facebook - / redeminas.tv Twitter - / redeminas Instagram - / redeminastv YouTube - / redeminas Opinião Minas is an interview program that analyzes everyday facts with a critical and in-depth view. It addresses topics such as health, psychology, education and citizenship.