In this video you watch me getting ready for camp. Namely, I will go to the Rat camp. This is a summer tent camp that lasts 2 weeks (this year there are 2 shifts, so you still have time to sign up for the 2nd shift). Children from 7 to 18 years old can go there, as well as children from 3 to 6 years old with their parents. The camp program includes: Sports, activities, Creative classes, Intellectual conversations, Songs around the campfire, Quests and games and Master classes. The camp takes place in a picturesque forest on the banks of the Volga in the Ivanovo region on the territory of the Stanko sanatorium. Well, you can find out more about the Rat camp on their website https://live-camp.ru/ And see how everything happens there on their YouTube channel / @soratnic and on the channel / @riscorp my TGK - https://t.me/kanalameliiamur ✨ our cover dance with Sumi YouTube channel - / @elegance20 ✨ and TGK channel - https://t.me/eleganceduo ✨