Check out Insider Store products and use our Coupon HISTORIA12 for a 12% discount! https://bit.ly/InsiderCasuais_Vogaliz... For much of its history, the territory that is now Italy was made up of several kingdoms and not a unified country. Everything changed in the mid-19th century, when several movements emerged, different from each other, but aiming at territorial unification. If you're not sure how this unification happened, just check out today's video. References Santos, Lenalda Andrade. Italian unification. Jannuzzi, Giovanni. Brief history of Italy. 2005. https://open.spotify.com/episode/44CT... (Episode of the podcast History in Half an Hour) _________________________________ HELP VOGALIZANDO CONTINUE BRINGING QUALITY CONTENT TO YOU: Consider becoming a member! / vogalizando a história PIX key which is also our email: [email protected] Presentation and script: @vitorvogel Direction and editing: @mviricimo Follow us on @vogalizandoahistoria History in 1 minute on TikTok Listen to our podcast on Spotify! Search for Vogalizando a História