#Berlin #Germany #Judaism #JewsinGermany #NationalSocialism #Nazism #Holocaust #FamousJews #History #MedievalEra #MiddleAges #Antisemitism #Pogrom #AlbertEinstein #RosaLuxembourg #RichardWagner #GermanJews #Berlin #JewishQuarter #19thCentury #Enlightenment #CatholicChurch #Crusades #BlackDeath #Trier #Cologne #Wittenberg In our History of Germany playlist, our first topic is the relationship between Jews and Germany. Our intention is not to talk about the Holocaust or how Jews lived during the period of National Socialism, but rather the long period before that, which encompasses the 4th century until Adolf Hitler's seizure of power. To do this, we are guided by the following questions: Why were Jews hated for so many centuries in Europe and Germany? Is it true that all Jews are rich? Is it true that Jews do not like to mix with other communities? What is the legacy of the Jewish people in the construction of what is appropriate to call Germany? So, travel through this History with Destination: Berlin Looking for a Brazilian guide in Berlin? Visit https://bit.ly/3eabM6J Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/34Krh2e Or on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3oKDg7F For more information and looking for an itinerary through Germany, visit: https://bit.ly/3mDp3rr Follow us on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3kIqODf Or on Instagram: https://bit.ly/2HPgwD0