In this video, I congratulate subscribers, viewers, my channel @ПОБАЧЕННЯЗКВИТАМИВАЛЯПроценко on the ANNIVERSARY of its establishment... I thank my most active subscribers for supporting the channel. I offer a video album #sellingseeds. I will add some recommendations for sowing. #sellingseedsofyourcollection #growing_flowers #growingflowersknowing #flowersforthegarden #garden #recommendations #ukrainian_youtube #ukrainiancontent #flowers • Sowing hellebore (frostwort) Tips. You... • Feathers from seeds. My method and experience. • Flowers from seeds in the fall. Self-sowing flowers. • Sowing zinnia Prof'yuzhen from your own seeds... My Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Album Selling seeds https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?v...