Velibor Slavuj, former CEO of JAT, pilot and instructor, commenting on the incident that occurred with the plane at Belgrade airport on Sunday in a Marker interview, points out that it should always be said that it is very thankless to make any assessments in such situations until the investigation is complete, but that there are so many indisputable facts in the aforementioned accident that a comment can already be made. Read the text: https://insajder.net/teme/velibor-sla... #Marker - weekdays at 6:00 PM on #InsajderTV Just watch us: MTS 122, SBB 22, Supernova 22, Total TV 22, Yettel 11. Follow us on https://insajder.net and on social networks: Facebook / insajder.net Twitter / insajder_net Instagram / insajder_net