In today's video I'm going to tell you how to buy a financed car in Portugal with zero down payment, follow along! Hello, my name is Erikson Barros, I am a Brazilian who has always dreamed of seeing the world, and recently I decided to immigrate to Portugal. and from here start discovering beautiful places around the world, I invite you to come with me on this adventure! #portugal #turismo #vidadeimigrante #brasileirospelomundo #brasileirosemportugal Don't forget to subscribe to this channel and always keep an eye on the videos. • Difficulties of living in a room here... • Porto is a beautiful city in Portugal • Itinerary around Lisbon Portugal • What to do when you arrive in Portugal... • Why the Portuguese don't like... • Portugal is worth it ? in this v... • Cities in Portugal I present to you Setú... • Best cities to live in Portugal Follow my social networks Instagram: @erikson_barros Facebook: Erikson Barros Twitter: Erikson Barros