Genital candidiasis is a disease that brings many unpleasant symptoms to women's health, such as itching, burning, whitish discharge and pain during intercourse, among others. It is caused by a fungus, a microorganism that is opportunistic, that is, it proliferates and causes damage at a time when the patient is at a greater physical and emotional vulnerability. Moments of stress and sleepless nights help to maintain the condition. A diet rich in carbohydrates and sugars also helps. In addition to conventional treatment with antifungals, alternative therapies such as yoga, meditation, dance and other activities that provide emotional tranquility will help to control the disease. And that's what we're going to talk about today! #candidiasis #drmarcelowerneck #interview #proctologywithouttabu Dr. Daniela Boechat - Rua Aimorés 2001 room 707 in Lourdes BELO HORIZONTE 31 3318-6646 and WhatsApp 31 99603-5757 Instagram daniboechat To schedule appointments in Belo Horizonte or São Paulo: 31 99720-1872 or 31 3568-5068 In BH: http://whats.link/marcacaodeconsulta or via Doctoralia: http://bit.ly/agenda-marcelo-werneck Subscribe to the channel to see more videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/DrMarceloWe... EXCLUSIVELY INFORMATIVE VIDEO AND IN NO WAY REPLACES A MEDICAL CONSULTATION If you have any questions, send them in the comments! Follow my social networks Facebook: / drmarcelowerneck Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.marcelow... For more information visit my website: www.drmarcelowerneck.com.br Gonçalves Dias Street 142 room 708 Funcionários BH/MG Bento de Andrade Street 146 Jardim Paulistano São Paulo-SP Dr. Marcelo Giusti Werneck Côrtes CRMMG 44832