Hi, I have curly hair, straightened with a progressive treatment and what I heard most was that curly hair doesn't grow enough to become long hair. I saw myself with broken, damaged hair and the dream of having long hair getting further and further away. Maybe today you ask yourself: why doesn't my hair grow? Why doesn't my hair grow past my shoulders? Why does my hair get stuck when it gets to a certain length? Could it be genetics? These were also my questions, until I dedicated myself to developing natural methods to make my hair grow quickly, and powerful hydration to restore and care for the lengths and ends, thus avoiding brittle ends, dry ends, so that it would be possible to notice all the hair growth. To find out what the 3 hair growth tips are, watch the video, if you have any questions, I'm here to help you ❤️ the hair supplement that I mentioned at the end of the video: https://go.siteoficial.app/aff/QAWCH9...