????Ensure your registration NOW in the EAG Program and make your company self-managed: https://mkt.empresaautogerenciavel.co... Hey, Commanders! In this episode of the Self-Managed Company Podcast #085, we brought Millor Machado, co-founder of GPS de Gestão, to talk about Agile methodologies for small and medium-sized companies. At the beginning of the episode, Millor explained his professional trajectory working alongside very important names in management and how this led him to have the professional success he has achieved. Here at EAG, at a certain point, we applied the agile methodology to our projects. And I believe that many entrepreneurs who have heard about this methodology may not believe that it can be applied to their own businesses. According to Millor, what he has seen is that the agile methodology depends much less on the entrepreneur's technical qualifications than on the discipline they need to have to put the processes to work. The main point of the agile methodology is a mindset of continuous improvement. And this doesn't happen overnight, you have to repeat it a million times. And yes, people have the habit of using a lot of terms that seem more complicated than they are. But by bringing these terms that are used within this methodology to our daily lives, Millor can confirm that they can be used in any type of company. This chat was very interesting, Commander. Tell me here in the comments, do you apply the agile methodology in your business or not? Did you like this video? Leave your comment Share it with your friends ????Instagram: / empresaautogerenciavel ????Facebook: / empresaautogerenciavel ????Telegram: https://t.me/marcelogermano