Achieve up to 5 years of profits and results in up to 12 months Click on the link: https://www.aceleradorempresarial.com... Discover how financial planning and control can be the difference between success and failure in business. Why watch today's episode? In this episode, Marcus Marques and Raquel Holler explored the importance of managing your company's finances strategically, ensuring stability, sustainable growth and informed decision-making. In addition, they reveal strategies to strengthen your company's financial foundations so that you can achieve your goals with confidence. Meet Raquel Holler: Financial Mentor at Grupo Acelerador, Raquel Holler is a specialist in Financial and Results Management; Financial and Strategic Planning; Operations and Indicators. Raquel worked for almost 20 years in large companies such as: C&A, Ambev, Suzano; and was responsible for financial planning and projects totaling more than R$ 16 billion. Her mentoring, classes and lectures have already reached more than 1000 entrepreneurs in Brazil and the USA. In addition to being a member of several national and international certifications, it helps entrepreneurs significantly improve the results of small and medium-sized companies. ????️ Are you just joining Podacelerar? We are the largest podcast in Brazil, aimed at entrepreneurs, and we have already received big names such as: Roberto Justus, Felipe Titto, João Appolinário, Samuel Pereira, Geraldo Rufino, Flávio Augusto, Cris Arcangeli, Bianca Andrade, among others. ???? What was the biggest insight from this episode? To learn more about the Business Accelerator, click on the link below: https://www.aceleradorempresarial.com... Also follow me on Instagram, where I always share extremely valuable and highly exclusive content about management, leadership and processes. ???? To follow, just click on this link: / marcusmarquesoficial #financialmanagement #finance #profit #companies #planning #indicators