SOCIAL MEDIA: MASTER'S CLUB: https://t.me/CLUBEDEMESTRE https://atom.bio/contatotruquedemestre E-mail:[email protected] WE ARE WORKING IN BAURU AND THE REGION, MAKE YOUR QUOTE! CLEAR YOUR QUESTIONS WITH THE NEW SERVICE MODEL, CONSULTATION WITH THE MASTER. SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT! DON'T GET STUCK! -Class with the master -Construction errors -Questions and answers -Do it yourself -BE PART OF THE BEST AND ADVANTAGES CLUB FOR CIVIL CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS, THE MASTER'S CLUB!! ACCESS THIS LINK AND DON'T MISS OUT: SECONDARY CHANNEL: / @minhavidaeobra6903 Website: https://sergioeduardodavid.wixsite.co... https://dryko.com.br/ https://www.degraus.com.br/loja/ferra... facebook: http://canaltruquedemestre.com.br/ instagram: / canaltruque. . email:[email protected] Business Phone: +55(14) 9664-8484 Post Office Box: 2028 Zip Code: 17032-970 Make your contribution to the growth of the channel: Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal Account: 16170-6 Agency: 1996 Name: Cristiana Aparecida Ponce CPF: 275.894.888-52 WE ARE WORKING IN BAURU AND REGION, MAKE YOUR BUDGET! CLEAR YOUR DOUBTS WITH THE NEW SERVICE MODEL, CONSULTATION WITH THE MASTER. SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT! DON'T STAY AT IMPASSE! -Class with the master -Construction errors -Questions and answers -Do it yourself -JOIN THE BEST ADVANTAGE CLUB FOR CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS, THE MASTER'S CLUB!! ACCESS THIS LINK AND DON'T MISS OUT: Website: https://sergioeduardodavid.wixsite.co... https://dryko.com.br/ https://www.degraus.com.br/loja/ferra... Facebook: http://canaltruquedemestre.com.br/ Instagram: / canaltruquedemestre email:[email protected] Business phone: +55(14) 9664-8484 Post office box: 2028 Zip code: 17032-970 Bauru/SP Make your contribution to the growth of the channel: Bank: caixa econômica federal Account: 16170-6 Branch: 1996 Name: Cristiana Aparecida Ponce CPF: 275.894.888-52 WE ARE WORKING IN BAURU AND REGION, MAKE YOUR BUDGET! CLEAR YOUR QUESTIONS WITH THE NEW SERVICE MODEL, CONSULTATION WITH THE MASTER. SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT! DON'T GET STUCK! -Class with the master -Construction errors -Questions and answers -Do it yourself -BE PART OF THE BEST ADVANTAGE CLUB FOR CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS, THE MASTER'S CLUB!! ACCESS THIS LINK AND DON'T MISS OUT: www.canaltruquedemestre.com.br http:// www.facebook.com/canal-truque-de-mestre instagram: @canaltruquedemestre email:[email protected] Business phone: +55(14)996648484 WE ARE WORKING IN BAURU AND THE REGION, MAKE YOUR QUOTE! CLEAR YOUR DOUBTS WITH THE NEW SERVICE MODEL, CONSULTATION WITH THE MASTER. SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT! DON'T GET STUCK! -Class with the master -Construction errors -Questions and answers -Do it yourself -JOIN THE BEST ADVANTAGE CLUB FOR CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS, THE MASTER'S CLUB!! ACCESS THIS LINK AND DON'T MISS OUT: www.canaltruquedemestre.com.br http:// www.facebook.com/canal-truque-de-mestre instagram: @canaltruquedemestre email:[email protected] Business phone: +55(11) 94523- 9623 -Class with the master -Construction errors -Questions and answers -Do it yourself -JOIN THE BEST ADVANTAGES CLUB FOR CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS, THE MASTER'S CLUB!! ACCESS THIS LINK AND DON'T MISS OUT: www.canaltruquedemestre.com.br http:// www.facebook.com/canal-truque-de-mestre Instagram: @canaltruquedemestre Email:[email protected] Business phone: +55(11) 94523- 9623 IN THIS VIDEO SÉRGIO TEACHES IMPORTANT TRICKS ON HOW TO INSTALL THE SILL CORRECTLY. BUY YOUR REBOTEC PRODUCT AT www.lojarebotec.com.br JOIN THE BEST ADVANTAGES CLUB FOR CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS, THE MASTER'S CLUB!! ACCESS THIS LINK AND DON'T MISS OUT: www.canaltruquedemestre.com.br/parceiros www.canaltruquedemestre.com.br www.facebook.com/canaltruquedemestre Instagram: @canaltruquedemestre [email protected] Business phone: (11) 94523- 9623