#tianguis #tianguisdemexico #tianguisdelsalado #elsalado #tianguisiztapalapa #iztapalapa #fleamarket #swapmeet #mercadosobreruedas #tianguisdelastorres #lapulga #tianguissantacruz #mexico #ciudaddemexico #cdmx Join us on this complete tour of the tianguis del salado, a tianguis that is my favorite because of everything you can find there. It is a very large tianguis and requires a good amount of time to get around. It is only open on Wednesdays, very close to Av. Zaragoza. The closest metro in Peñon Viejo is just a couple of blocks from that metro station. Without a doubt highly recommended if you live in Mexico City and if you come to visit do not hesitate to stop by there. @jorgelizama007 In the previous chapter: • Taco Fair, Mexico City. Rom...