What happened yesterday with the Russian segment of the Internet, when almost everything was down except Telegram and some services. Who is to blame and what will happen next with the Russian Internet? Mikhail Klimaryov, head of the "Internet Protection Society". Mikhail Klimaryov's TG channel - https://t.me/zatelecom VPN Generator - https://t.me/vpngen Other interesting videos: Milov: Gazprom is firing, transit has been stopped, and in Moscow it's like the 90s • Milov: Gazprom is firing, transit has been... Larina on Dunya Smirnova and Chubais: how to treat it? • Larina about Dunya Smirnova and Chubais: ka... Igor Lipsits: Russia is trying to invent a new kind of economy • Igor Lipsits: Russia is trying to invent a n... Buy nice merch Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan - https://merchmag.ru/tbs/ USA and Europe (alas, without cuckoo) - https://antidot-2.creator-spring.com/ Merch in Vilnius - https://www.instagram.com/notonly_cof... Merch in Tbilisi - / auditoria.booksbar TBS Radio iOS https://apps.apple.com/lt/app/antidot... Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Website https://radio.breakfast.show Permanent support of the channel by subscribing to Patreon (from $3/month) - / plushev Permanent support by subscribing to Boosty (from 400 rubles/month) - https://boosty.to/plushev One-time support for the channel with a labor ruble - https://new.donatepay.ru/@573440?goal=BS With a non-labor ruble! - https://donate.plushev.com #klimarev #internet #roskomnadzor