▷ THIS CHANNEL REALLY NEEDS YOU TO KEEP GOING! GOAL 6000 SUBSCRIBERS ON OUR SITE! Subscribe here ???? https://elucid.media/offres/ ▶ InfoGraphic – Chronicle by Olivier Berruyer #06 Riding on the fact that the unemployment rate is at its 1982 level, “the lowest in 40 years”, the government launched a propaganda operation to try to convince the French that “full employment” would be within reach. The situation is in fact much less rosy than what a quick reading of the figures shows. The increase in employment is real, but this dynamic is not what it seems to be, and the causes should rather alert us... ???? OUR COMPLETE ARTICLE WITH ALL THE SOURCES OF THE VIDEOS AND MORE: https://elucid.media/economie/les-ref... ???? THE REDESIGN OF OUR SITE IS ONLINE! It's the right time to join us: https://elucid.media/offres/ ──────────────────────── SUMMARY: 00:00 - 01:02: introduction PART I - UNEMPLOYMENT FALLS IN AN UNFAVORABLE ECONOMIC OUTLOOK? 01:02 - 02:06: I) Unemployment is falling 02:06 - 11:50: II) Statistical shenanigans 11:50 - 14:51: III) The mechanical reasons for the decline 14:51 - 15:47: IV) The duration of unemployment: a inglorious record 15:47 - 16:48: V) The return to reality is coming... PART II - MACRON'S REFORMS HAVE DESTROYED OUR PRODUCTIVITY 16:48 - 18:15: I) A historic drop in productivity 18:15 - 23:39: II) The reasons for the drop in productivity CONCLUSION: 23:39: Let's recap ───────────────────── ???? To encourage INDEPENDENCE and PLURALISM of the media: ▸ Subscribe to a subscription: https://elucid.media/offres/ (see all the advantages) ▸ Contribute via our TIPEEE page: https://fr.tipeee.com/elucid/ or OKPAL https://www.okpal.com/elucid/#/ Your help is precious ???? ┌─────── FOLLOW US ───────┐ Twitter: / elucid Facebook: / elucid.media Instagram: / elucid Tipeee: https://fr.tipeee.com/elucid/ Okpal: https://www.okpal.com/elucid/#/ #InfoGraphique06 #Élucid #Work