Subscribe to AcrópolePlay: https://acropoleplay.com/ IN-PERSON philosophy course: https://acropole.org.br/lp/curso-de-f... The book can be purchased on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3kyKqsI ________________________________________________________ In this video, Lúcia Helena Galvão presents the first part of the reading of the Dhammapada, which is a sacred text of Buddhist philosophy. During the lecture, she explores Buddha's teachings and how they can be applied to our daily lives. Lúcia Helena Galvão discusses topics such as the importance of self-control, the need to live in the present, the nature of the mind and how to achieve wisdom. Through the reading of the Dhammapada, she invites us to reflect on fundamental questions of life and to seek inner wisdom. Watching this lecture can help you develop a deeper understanding of Buddha's teachings and how to apply them in your life. Discover how Buddhist philosophy can help you find inner peace, emotional balance and wisdom. PRACTICAL EXERCISES FOR THE WEEK, suggested by Professor Lúcia Helena: 1 - Invite one of the verses discussed in this video to accompany you continuously, reflect on it and try to live it in your daily life; 2 - Discover a quality in that person you are criticizing - if there is one; 3 - Set your alarm clock to go off at 3 times of the day and check where your mind was at those moments - in what state of consciousness. WRITE DOWN ALL YOUR IMPORTANT PERCEPTIONS so that you do not forget them and so that you can start to reflect on them. New Acropolis is a philosophical organization present in more than 50 countries since 1957, and its objective is to develop the best in each human being, through Philosophy, Culture and Volunteering. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: www.facebook.com/NovaAcropoleBrasil and @novaacropolebrasil Listen to the lectures on our podcast: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/64tJx8P... Sound: / palestrasfilos. . or Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i... Information: www.acropole.org.br (Brazil - Central-West, North and Northeast, except Bahia) www.nova-acropole.org.br (Brazil - South, Southeast and Bahia) www.acropolis.org (International) Questions or comments? Write to [email protected]