HOW TO READ BOOKS - MORTIMER ADLER - CHAPTER 6 CLASSIFYING A BOOK In this chapter, the author discusses the importance of knowing how to classify a book. We should know the type of book we have chosen to read before we start reading: whether the book is a work of fiction, a novel, a play, an epic, a lyrical poem or an expository work. The author explains that we, readers, must distinguish between the types of books (reading), because books are distinct from the types of knowledge they communicate, and they instruct us in different ways. And he emphasizes that if we are willing to follow them, we must learn to read each type appropriately. Do you also think it is important to know how to classify a book? Leave your opinion in the comments! #audiobook #audiobook #completeaudiobook #bookinaudio #howtoreadbooks #howtoreadbetter #readandlearn #readbetter #read #reading #readingbooks #lovereadingbooks #lovereading #books #book #freebooks #favoritebooks #mortimeradler #bookratings #typesofbooks #typesofreading #fiction #romance #poem