HOW TO READ BOOKS CHAPTER 2 - READING LEVELS Mortimer J. Adler's 4 levels of reading Reading is not a linear activity. There are four different levels in the act of reading, which were identified by Mortimer Adler. By dealing better with each stage, you get much more out of books, and the goals you want to achieve with reading. MORTIMER J. ADLER'S READING LEVELS 01 - Elementary Reading; 02- Inspectional Reading; 03 - Analytical Reading; 04 - Syntopic Reading. With the strategies demonstrated by the author to read better, present in each level, it is possible to improve the ability to concentrate, the analytical capacity, the level of discussions and public debate. In the next videos, each reading level will be detailed so that everyone can identify which one they have practiced. #readinglevels #reading #readbetter #strategies #success #bestresults #elementaryreading #goals #mortimeradler #howtoreadbooks