At Astroschule.com you will learn the astrological view! And in doing so, you will gain a completely new perspective on yourself and your life. Becoming aware of your inner psychological patterns is the key to being able to follow your personal path to its full potential. With my workshops and consultations, I would like to bring you closer to the elements of astrology using your own birth horoscope so that you become fully aware of the advantages of this powerful tool. Because your horoscope provides clear information about every conceivable area of your psyche. Let me advise you! Psychological astrology is about your innermost dispositions, your talents and blockages, as well as your destiny and your very personal path to yourself. Coming to yourself and freeing your potential is the highest thing you can achieve in your life. Your psychological patterns attract relationships, events and things into your life. Recognizing your innermost processes helps you to more self-acceptance and self-love and opens up new doors and paths to life. I look forward to getting to know you.