TOM CAVALCANTE is a comedian, actor, impersonator, presenter, radio host and voice actor. He became famous with the characters João Canabrava in Escolinha do Prof. Raimundo and the doorman Ribamar in Sai de Baixo. Vilela leaves from below every day, since his height does not allow him to leave from above. WATCH this full episode: https://youtube.com/live/7QuP3PbBLjk Contact: [email protected] Want to send us gifts? A/C Rogério Vilela PO BOX Post Office Box: 81969 ZIP Code: 05619-970 São Paulo - SP #tomcavalcante #InteligenciaLtda #Podcast ---------- REALIZATION: Fábrica de Quadrinhos HOST: Rogério Vilela Follow on Instagram: @vilela EDITING: Isabelly, Yasmin and Gabriel PRODUCTION: Rogério Vilela AGENDA AND RESEARCH: Fabio Mantoanelli