Immerse yourself in the magical world of fairy tales with this relaxing fairy tale collection. This audiobook collection contains 10 fairy tales that will take you to a world full of adventure and magic. The fairy tale collection is perfect for children and adults of all ages who are looking for a quiet and relaxing time. Take the opportunity to be enchanted by the stories as you fall asleep and dream of wondrous adventures. If you don't want to miss any more fairy tales, subscribe to the channel. Enjoy listening! Table of contents 0:00:00 Intro 0:00:28 1 The Sandman - Hilda Bergmann 0:21:13 2 The Snowman - Hans Christian Andersen 0:35:22 3 Riquet with the Crested Hair - Charles Perrault 0:53:40 4 The Stagecoach - Manfred Kyber 1:02:26 5 Dolpatsch - Heinrich Seidel 1:39:41 6 The Little Jacob Who Was Always Crying - Hilda Bergmann 2:00:57 7 The Blue Bird - Paula Dehmel 2:13:49 8 The Christmas Tree - Hans Christian Andersen 2:37:00 9 Annele - Frida Schanz 2:54:05 10 Erika - Heinrich Seidel For your soothing sleep routine: Sleep mask for a restful sleep*: https://amzn.to/4ey0h7L Lavender pillow spray for a pleasant sleep*: https://amzn.to/4ePGDEH *Amazon Partnerlinks - When you buy via the link I receive a small commission #fairytale #audiobook #goodnightstory