The mystical story revolves around the Guo family, a wealthy clan thanks to carpentry and the magical protection of Lu Ban. When the enemy from the golden weasel rises, a struggle for survival between humans and demons begins. Ancient magic, compassion, and sacrifice are interwoven in a dramatic story about cause and effect, tradition, and Chinese folk beliefs. Will the Guo family escape the curse to protect their clan? A mysterious legend not to be missed! ???? Please support the channel by Like, Subscribe, and Share! ???? If you love creepy ghost stories or mysterious murders, don't forget to click LIKE to show your support. ???? Click SUBSCRIBE and turn on the notification bell so you don't miss any videos. ???? And SHARE the channel with your friends and family to explore this mysterious and overwhelming world together! Your support is our motivation to continue bringing more attractive content! ???? Thank you for your companionship! ❤️