<Subscribe to the channel here> → / @Mikochan Kirakira Mama Lots of delicious-looking strawberry sweets♪ Leave your requests and comments here♪ Twitter https://twitter.com/HU8spm5WkCsCauz?s=09 Line https://lin.ee/jUiuHDP Music materials: MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/ Music materials: Amacha Music Studio http://amachamusic.chagasi.com/ Effect materials: Material shop for YouTubers https://ytsozaiyasan.com/ #Mikochan#Skit#Education ~Recommended related videos~ Demon's Cardboard Vending Machine • [Skit] Something's strange about Kirako after all, even at the end of the year! A demon appears from the cardboard vending machine! ? ... A spider appears from the cardboard vending machine! ? • [Skit] Something's strange about Kirako! A spider in her juice! ? She can't eat her lunch or bread! Da... <Notice> Click here to send letters and presents to Miko-chan and Kirakira Mama♪ http://piece-of-peace.co.jp/fanletter... <Recommended videos for Miko-chan and Kirakira Mama> Popular videos Miko-chan and Kirakira Mama→ • Popular videos Miko-chan and Kirakira Mama Latest videos Miko-chan and Kirakira Mama→ • Latest videos Miko-chan and Kirakira Mama Collaboration Miko-chan and Kirakira Mama→ • Collaboration Miko-chan and Kirakira Mama Miko-chan and Kirakira Mama's friends→ • Miko-chan and Kirakira Mama's friends