As soon as the live ended, I threw away the trash bag. Please, don't be stingy with your pretty new clothes and wear them warmly... . . . . . . provided by BGM President ????Track : Daengcheongdaengcheong - • [BGM President] (Comic/Idiot/Fool) Daengcheongdaengcheong/Like a Fool... ????Track : Group Project - • [BGM President] (Absurd/Mistake/Comic) Group Project/Group Proj... ????Track : Angelina Jolie - • [Royalty Free Music] Angelina Jolie / Sleep... Official Blog https://blog.naver.com/yerang_garang Personal Email [email protected] Advertising Inquiries [email protected] Instagram Yeranggarang-gainyerin Instagram Gain Student-gainjersoze Instagram Yerin Student-yeneex2 #GainStudent #BangYerinStudent #YerangGarang