Learn all about the position of Clerk at Banco do Brasil with Beto Fernandes and Fábio Marques 🚨Your approval starts here! Plans starting at R$71.85/month* 👉🏼 Click here and guarantee: https://bit.ly/4ixyPci 📌 Reinvention 2025 - Discover 5 NEW FEATURES that will help anyone get approved MUCH faster. 🗓️ January 2nd, at 10am 👉🏼 Sign up https://bit.ly/49EYxYk ✳️Postgraduate studies starting at R$89.90/month. Don't miss this opportunity! 👉🏼 Click here and start now: https://bit.ly/3ZgyZvP Join Professor Beto Fernandes and special guest Fábio Marques, Clerk at BB, to find out everything about this career: routine, benefits, salary and also preparation tips. Bring your questions and participate in this unmissable live! . Don't miss the opportunity to learn from those who have practical experience in the Banco do Brasil Contest! Start: 00:00:00 - Start 00:03:55 - Opening 00:04:46 - Presentation of guest Fábio Marques 00:05:17 - Interview with Fábio Marques, Clerk at BB 01:05:38 - Closing Learn more about Banco do Brasil: See more about the Banco do Brasil Contest: https://blog.grancursosonline.com.br/... Discover the special courses of the Banco do Brasil Contest: https://www.grancursosonline.com.br/c... Also check out all the contests open at the moment: http://bit.ly/confira-concursos-abertos Study for All areas of Public Contests and professional tests (OAB, CFC, Residencies): Change your life with the most modern platform, the most didactic video class and the PDF that has the most approvals in the country! ❗ PLANS FOR THE COMPETITION TAKER: Unlimited Subscription 9.0 with more than 35,500 courses: https://bit.ly/AssinaturaIlimitada ➔ With the Gran Guarantee, if you don't like it within 7 days, we WILL REFUND your money without bureaucracy! 📖 FREE MATERIALS: ➔ Check out our free materials: https://gran.gratis/MaterialGratuito FOLLOW GRAN CURSOS ONLINE AND STAY UP TO DATE WITH THE COMPETITIONS: Leave your like and Subscribe to our channel for much more FREE and EXCLUSIVE content every day: ⇒ https://gran.gratis/AssineGranYouTube ➔ The best and largest information portal about public competitions. Access now: https://gran.gratis/blogGCO ➔ Follow on Facebook: https://gran.gratis/GranOnline_Facebook ➔ Follow on Instagram: https://gran.gratis/GranOnline_Instag... 📱 Access the link and download our applications (Gran Cursos Online, Gran Cursos Questões, Gran Audiobooks and Gran study manager): https://www.grancursosonline.com.br/app #ConcursoBB #Concursos2025 #ConcursoBancodoBrasil #ConcursosPúblicos