A trip to Daejeon with friends in August... It was so much fun. Personally, Yerin said the chocolate cookies and chocolate pudding were the best, and Gain said the Naruto commendation bread (man bun) was so, so delicious. Next time we go... I have to buy more bread...!!! Although I couldn't go, thank you to all the ladies and gentlemen for the fun content and restaurant recommendations! . . . . . . 🎵Music provided by BGM President 🎵Track : Goldfish are bored - • BGM that becomes a goldfish When you don't feel like thinking 🎵Track: Sora-ge's Adventure - • [BGM President] (Bright/Cheerful/Bright) Sora-ge's Adventure/The Ad... Official blog https://blog.naver.com/yerang_garang Personal email [email protected] Advertising inquiries [email protected] Instagram Yerang Garang-gainyerin Instagram Gain Student-gainjersoze Instagram Yerin Student-yeneex2 #GainStudent #BangYerinStudent #YerangGarang