Goodbye, Homeplus of memories..! . . . . . . ????Music provided by BGM President ????Track : Mushroom Village - • [Cute music reminiscent of Maple Story] Mushroom Village Lee Guo Guo Dun???? ????Track : Discovery of Dog Gum - • [Clumsy and cute music] Discovery of Dog Gum Animal BGM is perfect! ????Track : Brunch - • [Comfortable emotional music that goes well with cooking] Brunch For those who want to cook... Fan Cafe https://cafe.naver.com/yeringainu Personal email [email protected] Advertising inquiries [email protected] Insta Yeranggarang-gainyerin Insta Gain Student-gainjersoze Insta Yerin Student-yeneex2 #GainStudent #BangYerinStudent #YerangGarang