Sebastien Dubois, aka Sebbydaddy, has just struck hard by winning his MMA fight against Ilan, organized by the influential manager Giom Peltier – a must-see name in French MMA and manager of stars like Benoît Saint-Denis. Some time ago, Ragnar le Breton had tried his luck in the biggest MMA organization in France, ARES, but the community did not appreciate his arrival. What has changed since then? Have mentalities evolved? Is a new era beginning for the pif? ???? Come live to share your opinion with us in person. ???????????????????????????????????? : 00:00 Introduction 00:01:36 Today's topic 00:04:15 The inconsistency of media reactions and double standards 00:17:15 Giom Peltier's strategy to give credibility to Sebby Daddy 00:24:55 MMA in France ready for influencer fights? 00:40:27 ARES MMA buys the Bulgarian Top Team 00:45:30 Your opinion ???????????????? ???????????????????????? : Charly : / mr__abdos So: / letalkso LeBelge : / lebelge78 Marvel Fitness : / john_coffee_officiel New channel of Le Belge / @lebelge78 Miniature Designer / niob_art