Today we are going to apply polyurethane foam, How are we going to do it? With a sprayable polyurethane foam in a can, yes yes, we are going to do it in a can and with a gun ourselves, with the penosil easy spray product we will apply this sprayable foam to a couple of walls as a thermal and acoustic insulator. Is it worth it? Come in and find out how the result was. #decoration #renovation #polyurethanefoam #insulation ???? Other jobs: ➡ We knock down walls: • WE GET TROUBLED and knock down all the walls... ➡ Outside the floor up to the concrete slab Radiant Floor: • Outside the floor up to the concrete slab ... ➡ Installation of drains for the bathrooms: • We prepare the drains for the bathrooms ... ???? MATERIALS: ➡ Projectable polyurethane foam leroy merlin, batch 12 foams: https://www.leroymerlin.es/fp/8295949... ➡ Projectable polyurethane foam leroy merlin, batch 12 foams + Gun: https://www.leroymerlin.es/fp/8267811... ???? Youtube channel: / @reformomicasa.