The full broadcast of blckbx today #362 from Monday 13 January can be viewed via: https://www.blckbx.tv/livestreams/blc... Emeritus professor Kees van der Pijl provides an analysis of recent developments in Gaza. With negotiations underway and the inauguration of Donald Trump in sight, the question arises: is a ceasefire or even the end of the conflict closer? Van der Pijl outlines the geopolitical dynamics and what this could mean for the future of Gaza and the Middle East. Desk: emeritus professor of international relations Kees van der Pijl, psychologist Hylke Bonnema and journalist Joost Niemöller Presentation: Erwin Taams Do you appreciate this video(s)? Like this video, subscribe to our channel and support the independent journalism of blckbx with a donation ➡ https://www.blckbx.tv/doneren Want to stay informed? Telegram - https://t.me/blckbxtv Twitter - / blckbxnews Facebook - / blckbx.tv Instagram - / blckbx.tv LinkedIn - / blckbxnews TikTok - / blckbx.tv