We apply on different materials (brick, plasterboard, wood and metal) to show you the use of a sprayable foam in a can. http://www.bricocrack.tv. Construction Insulation Tutorial Sprayable foam. The sprayable foam in a can that we use in the video is from Penosil (Wolf Group Ibérico). More information about EasySpray sprayable foam on the Penosil website https://penosil.com/es/producto/easys... and on their Facebook page: / penosilespana The nitrile gloves we use to protect our hands are from Tomás Bodero https://tomasbodero.com/es/. If you want to buy these products ONLINE, click on the links: PENOSIL EasySpray - 700 ml. https://amzn.to/3vLX3Xp (Our links to Amazon do not carry any surcharge and we obtain a small commission from their sales). In this tutorial we show you how a sprayable foam that is applied in a can works. You already know that in construction, sprayable foam is used to achieve good insulation in roofs, to correct damp walls, prevent condensation, reduce thermal bridges... Until now it was necessary to do it industrially, hiring a truck, etc. etc. but with this EasySpray can format, we can apply it ourselves in our small renovations and in places where it is difficult to introduce large materials, such as under the roof covering. In addition, it is isocyanate-free, so we can apply it inside the house, for example, to insulate a frieze. However, always take the minimum safety measures: mask, glasses and gloves. You will see how we apply EasySpray from Penosil (Wolf Group Ibérico) under the roof covering, on the wall where we are going to install a frieze, on the wooden cover of a shutter drum and on a metal duct. This way you will see for yourself how it is applied and how it adheres to different materials. Remember that to do so you must always wet the surface well. Remember that you cannot apply this with conventional foam for filling walls because, if you have ever applied it, you will know that you cannot control the thickness you apply. Not even using the EasySpray applicator on the gun. Finally, Juan will also show you how to adjust and clean the gun and he will give you advice on how to store and maintain the can without damaging the product. More information about DIY, Construction and Insulation at http://www.bricocrack.tv/ Presented by Juan Mateos. Follow us also on Facebook: / bricocrack Twitter: / bricocrack Instagram / bricocrack