📲 Be my mentee at Mentoria Start 👇 https://supformuladolucro.com.br/ment... 📲 Follow me on Instagram and get to know my day-to-day life at the store 👇 / pedrodellanora 📲 Receive content also on Telegram 👇 https://t.me/+O6PMA-ymaPM3OGIx Profitability in the supermarket is a puzzle assembled by several pieces that fit together. It is not a silver bullet, there is no magic solution that solves everything. But with the strategic and systematic alignment of some points, anyone can see real profit regardless of their size or competition. Returning to the Meteoric Lives of every Wednesday, today I want to talk about the Metrics of a Profitable Supermarket, showing what you need to master to make a real profit in your supermarket