Welcome to another class. Today we are here to find suppliers to sell online. We know that there is a huge myth that people think that only those who have Chinese suppliers, Chinese products, electronic products, or those who sell whatever else sell there. As if there were no other opportunities other than Chinese products or importers. And that is not the reality. What happens is that the barrier to entry for this type of product is often lower. So, in fact, you can find this type of product more abundantly and more easily. But there are great products and suppliers on the market, especially for those who know how to find them. In this class, I will show you two ways to find excellent suppliers on the market and I will show you which are good suppliers. ????Participate in the free event THE NEXT LEVEL: https://dhiegorosa.com.br/opn-yt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTER YOUR BRAND: https://form.typeform.com/to/vQvaH9j7 Individual B2B Climbing Mentoring: https://escaladaecom.com.br/mentoria-yt Largest Market Analysis Tool: https://metrify.com.br/ Largest Advanced Free Market Course in Brazil: https://www.escaladaecom.com.br/ Free Competitor Analysis Spreadsheet with ChatGPT: https://escaladaecom.com.br/planilha-... Free Free Market Course: https://alunos.escaladaecom.com.br/pr... ✳ Android version: ➤ https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... ✳ IOS version: ➤ https://apps.apple.com/br/app/escalad... ✳ Want to win a Free Account Analysis from one of our experts? ???? http://escaladaecom.com.br/analise-de... #mercadolivre #ecommerce #gestão