The action of the science fiction novel "Echo of War" takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, in a small town on the edge of Kyzylkum. People who survived the nuclear conflict survive in the desert as best they can. The most ordinary things are unavailable to many. Water, food, clothing and weapons are worth their weight in gold. Power in the town is divided between the former prisoner Pakhan and the retired military man, now the owner of the market, Besadullin. The main character of the novel, Bitum, is a young loner who feeds himself by gathering and hunting. The quiet life of the town is disrupted by the sudden appearance of strangers armed to the teeth. The intentions of the strangers are unclear, but serious competition flares up to ensure their escort in the desert, because the promised payment is an entire arsenal of weapons. By the will of fate, Bitum becomes a guide for the newcomers on a dangerous journey through the radioactive desert. What is the task of the expedition? Will its participants be able to reach their goal? And why does Bitum need to return to the city at any cost? Listen and you will find out.