The second half of the 20th century cannot be understood without Cuba. One of the most iconic revolutions in history, the moment when a nuclear war almost broke out, the longest commercial blockade ever remembered and a struggle, that of the Castro regime against the United States, which has lasted for more than sixty years. Now that Trump has returned to power, Cuba is going through a serious social crisis and Raúl Castro, Fidel's successor, is already 93 years old. Is the Cuban Revolution experiencing the end of a cycle? Will Castroism fall? Blas, Edu and Fer review the turbulent history of Cuba and analyze its possible future scenarios in this episode of “It's not the end of the world.” Recommended books: ???? Fidel Castro, Homeland and Death - Enrique Meneses (Ediciones del Viento) ???? I Could Have Been Fidel Castro - Pablo Batalla (Lengua de Trapo) ???? Political Writings of José Martí ???? The Hidden Island and Landing in the World - Abraham Jiménez Enoa (Libros del KO) ???? About Cuba - Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad (Capitán Swing) ???? Cuba at the Crossroads - Leila Guerriero, coord. (Debate) ???? New Journey to the Heart of Cuba - Carlos Alberto Montaner (Aduana Vieja) ???? Nuclear Madness. The Cuban Missile Crisis - Serhii Plokhy (Turner) ???? If you like this podcast, follow it so you don't miss our weekly episodes. And if you can, recommend us to your friends, acquaintances, and family! ⭐️ Put 5 stars where you listen to the podcast (click the bell on Spotify or YouTube, subscribe from iVoox, click the “+” at the top right of Apple Podcast...) ???? And if you want to subscribe and support us with the code PODCAST, you can do it here: https://elordenmundial.com/suscribete...