Last Thursday, the first activity of the “For a Communist Future” Conference, organized by the Assembly of Intellectuals for Socialism, took place. This talk reflected on the uses and struggles for history in the time of Milei. The panelists in this first talk were Hernán Camarero, professor, researcher and director of the Center for Historical Studies of Workers and the Left, Mercedes López Cantera, also a professor and researcher of topics related to anti-communism and the right in Argentine history, Alberto Wiñazky, economist and professor, and Alicia Rojo, historian and professor, dedicated to the history of the labor movement and Trotskyism in Argentina. . . . . Subscribe to the La Izquierda Diario community and make your contribution https://comunidad.laizquierdadiario.c... La Izquierda Diario on social networks: Instagram: /izquierdadiario Twitter: /izquierdadiario TikTok: /laizquierdadiario Facebook: /laizquierdadiario Web: http://www.laizquierdadiario.com