Bullseye Paintless Dent Removal, INC Bullseye Paintless Dent Removal was founded and is still run by Keith Cosentino. Keith is a local guy who has a global reach in the dent repair industry. From his brand of tools (Blackplague PDR Tools) to his podcast (PDR College Podcast) and the advanced training seminars he runs (PDR College Advanced Skills Seminars) ✅ Click on ???? to stay up to date with the next videos ???? ✅ Leave your comment ???? ✅ Share the video with your friends♻️ ✅ Put ???? or ???? under this video it's better to watch it once and then work without mistakes... #inthegarage #withyourownhands #it'seasy #handmadecarrepair #bodyworkwithoutpainting #paintlessrepair #PDR #AlexanderKapustkin #toolforpaintless #DIYtool #Master #inthegarage #bodyrepairequipment #homemadeattachmentsforPDR #cardentrepair #DIYPDRTool #Stavropol #dent_removal #cardents #DIY #DIYisEasyWithHands #DIYRepair #ToolsFromJunk #device #homemade #ThisIsBrilliant #inductionheating #bodyrepairwithout_painting #DIY